Travis M. Boggs
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - USA Tradiitonal Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ) ®
Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Senior Masters Caucus
Member - United States Ju-Jitsu National Technical & Promotion Committee
Member - USA Traditional Kodokan Judo Technical & Promotion Committee
State Director - United States Taiho Jutsu for Kansas, USA
Travis Boggs is the Owner & Chief Instructor of Kenukan Academy, located in Olathe, Kansas (suburb of Kansas City). Kenukan Academy was established in 1968 by his father, Renshi Bob Boggs (USJJF Founding Member & USJJF Hall of Fame), and is one of the oldest martial arts schools in the State of Kansas.
Travis began his martial arts training under the tutelage of his father in 1986. Competing in the AAU Karate Program, Travis became a 5-Time Junior AAU State Karate Champion and a 3-Time Junior Regional Karate Champion. In 1994, as a member of Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu, he won a Gold Medal at the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, Russia. In addition, he participated in the Closing Ceremonies for the Goodwill Games that took place at Kirov Stadium during the halftime of the “World All-Star” soccer (football) match between Russia and the World XI. At the time, this halftime demonstration of Ju-Jitsu & Karate was said to be the largest live TV viewing audience of any martial arts demonstration - with 85,000 in attendance and an estimated 30 million people watching worldwide. The following year, in 1995, Travis won a Gold Medal for Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu at the Mediterranean Games held in Athens, Greece.
Travis began teaching martial arts full-time in 1998. In 2000, he was promoted to Sho-Dan in Kenukan Ju-Jitsu & Karate. In 2006, after graduating from the University of Kansas School of Business, he became the Owner & Chief Instructor of Kenukan Academy. In 2010, he was promoted to Go-Dan in Kenukan Ju-Jitsu, Karate-Do, & Kobudo. In 2013, he was named the President (Kaicho) of the Kenukan Budokai, and in 2014, he was issued his Kenukan Budokai Shihan teaching title.
In 2000, Sensei Jim Harrison (founder of the famous Bushidokan Judo-Jujitsu, Karate-Kickboxing, & Ronin Goshin Jutsu systems) asked Travis to serve as his personal practice partner when teaching Bushidokan Seminars throughout the United States. For the next 11 years (2000-2010), he helped Sensei Harrison with over 50 seminars - including all of the Kansas City Bushidokan Dojos, Roy Kurban’s Dojo (Arlington, TX), Troy Dorsey’s Dojo (Mansfield, TX), the Texas Seminar Tour (which included members of the Dallas Police Department), and the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival (Columbus, OH).
In 2003, Sensei Harrison promoted Travis to Sho-Dan in Bushidokan Karate-Kickboxing. In 2011, Sensei Harrison asked him to teach the Judo-Jujitsu Workshop at the first ever Bushidokan Style Symposium (held in Overland Park, KS). In 2017, Sensei Harrison promoted Travis to Go-Dan in Bushidokan Judo-Jujitsu, Yon-Dan in Bushidokan Karate-Kickboxing, and San-Dan in Bushidokan Ronin Goshin Jutsu. Travis is one of only six individuals to hold Black Belts in all three of Jim Harrison’s Bushidokan disciplines.
On July 19, 2017, Jim Harrison founded the Bushidokan Yudanshakai organization in order to preserve and develop the legacy, standards, traditions, and reputation of the Bushidokan® martial arts style. Sensei Harrison personally selected the members of the Board of Directors and bestowed certain powers to the organization. They include the authority to issue the Bushidokan Black Belt Rank Certificates, authority to maintain the Bushidokan Black Belt Register, and the authority to license/regulate the use of the Bushidokan Trademarks and Brand. Travis was appointed by Sensei Harrison to serve as Chairman (Kaicho) of the Board of Directors and President of the organization.
In addition to teaching, Travis has coached internationally. As a Team USA Coach, he has coached teams that have competed in the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) World Championships in Paris, France (2014), Wrocław, Poland (2016), & Malmö, Sweden (2018). In addition, in 2015 & 2016, he coached Team USA Members that competed in the JJIF International Grand Slam Tournaments as part of the UFC International Fight Week in Las Vegas, NV.
Due to Kenukan and Bushidokan’s reputation for teaching practical & effective street self-defense, Travis has taught many members of the U.S. Special Forces, SWAT teams, and other law enforcement agencies. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Travis was selected by Bob Wall & Chuck Norris to serve as an Instructor for their America in Defense (AID) Program. The program was designed to help teach commercial flight personnel how to defend against terrorist attacks and was under the auspices of the first Homeland Security Secretary, Mr. Tom Ridge. Over several years, thousands of American Airline Flight Personnel were instructed through the AID Program - including the flight crew that took down Richard Reid, the “Shoe Bomber.” As a result of the program’s success, Travis appeared as a self-defense expert on MSNBC’s “Ashleigh Banfield Live.”
From 1999-2001, Travis worked as the Assistant to the Secretary General of the International Federation of Pankration Athlima (IFPA). In 2000, he helped Co-Direct the Kansas City Pankration Grappling Symposium that brought in early UFC and MMA Legends, Ken Shamrock, Bart Vale, Keith Hackney, & Walt Lysak.
For many years, Travis has also enjoyed researching the history of Ju-Jitsu. As a result, he formed the Ju-Jutsu Historical Research Society (JJHRS) to explore the early technical development and worldwide spread of Ju-Jitsu during the Meiji Era of Japan (October 23, 1868 through July 30, 1912).
In 2008, Travis’ hometown of Olathe, Kansas, named him one of their “Top 150 Athletes” in Olathe's Sesquicentennial (150 Year) Celebration.
Dan Ranks
5th Dan - United States Taiho Jutsu (2024)
5th Dan - Kenukan Ju-Jitsu - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
5th Dan - Bushidokan Ju-Jitsu / Judo - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
5th Dan - Kenukan Karate-Do - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
5th Dan - Kenukan Kobudo - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
4th Dan - Bushidokan Karate / Kickboxing - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
3rd Dan - Bushidokan Ronin Goshin Jutsu - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
Shihan - Kenukan Budokai - Sensei Robert Boggs (2014)
Kenukan Academy - Owner & Chief Instructor (2006 - present)
Kaicho / President - Kenukan Budokai (2013 - present)
Kaicho / Chairman & President - Bushidokan Yudanshakai (2017 - present)
US Taiho Jutsu - State Director for Kansas (2024 - present)
University of Kansas School of Business
Bachelor of Science - Business Management & Leadership (2006)
American Coaching Effectiveness Program (ACEP) Certified (1998)
Certified Police Baton Instructor - Rapid Rotation Baton (2002)
Certified Flight Self-Defense Instructor for Bob Wall & Chuck Norris’ America in Defense (AID) Program (2002)
Notable Competitions & Coaching
5-time Junior State AAU Karate Champion
3-time Junior Regional AAU Karate Champion
Goodwill Games Gold Medalist - Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu - St. Petersburg, Russia (1994)
Mediterranean Games Gold Medalist - Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu - Athens, Greece (1995)
Team USA Coach - Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) World Championships: Paris, France (2014), Wrocław, Poland (2016), and Malmö, Sweden (2018)
Sensei Travis Boggs Contact Info -
Dojo Address: 220 W Cedar St, Olathe, KS 66061
Dojo Phone: 913-782-5425
E-Mail: [email protected]
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - USA Tradiitonal Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ) ®
Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Senior Masters Caucus
Member - United States Ju-Jitsu National Technical & Promotion Committee
Member - USA Traditional Kodokan Judo Technical & Promotion Committee
State Director - United States Taiho Jutsu for Kansas, USA
Travis Boggs is the Owner & Chief Instructor of Kenukan Academy, located in Olathe, Kansas (suburb of Kansas City). Kenukan Academy was established in 1968 by his father, Renshi Bob Boggs (USJJF Founding Member & USJJF Hall of Fame), and is one of the oldest martial arts schools in the State of Kansas.
Travis began his martial arts training under the tutelage of his father in 1986. Competing in the AAU Karate Program, Travis became a 5-Time Junior AAU State Karate Champion and a 3-Time Junior Regional Karate Champion. In 1994, as a member of Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu, he won a Gold Medal at the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, Russia. In addition, he participated in the Closing Ceremonies for the Goodwill Games that took place at Kirov Stadium during the halftime of the “World All-Star” soccer (football) match between Russia and the World XI. At the time, this halftime demonstration of Ju-Jitsu & Karate was said to be the largest live TV viewing audience of any martial arts demonstration - with 85,000 in attendance and an estimated 30 million people watching worldwide. The following year, in 1995, Travis won a Gold Medal for Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu at the Mediterranean Games held in Athens, Greece.
Travis began teaching martial arts full-time in 1998. In 2000, he was promoted to Sho-Dan in Kenukan Ju-Jitsu & Karate. In 2006, after graduating from the University of Kansas School of Business, he became the Owner & Chief Instructor of Kenukan Academy. In 2010, he was promoted to Go-Dan in Kenukan Ju-Jitsu, Karate-Do, & Kobudo. In 2013, he was named the President (Kaicho) of the Kenukan Budokai, and in 2014, he was issued his Kenukan Budokai Shihan teaching title.
In 2000, Sensei Jim Harrison (founder of the famous Bushidokan Judo-Jujitsu, Karate-Kickboxing, & Ronin Goshin Jutsu systems) asked Travis to serve as his personal practice partner when teaching Bushidokan Seminars throughout the United States. For the next 11 years (2000-2010), he helped Sensei Harrison with over 50 seminars - including all of the Kansas City Bushidokan Dojos, Roy Kurban’s Dojo (Arlington, TX), Troy Dorsey’s Dojo (Mansfield, TX), the Texas Seminar Tour (which included members of the Dallas Police Department), and the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival (Columbus, OH).
In 2003, Sensei Harrison promoted Travis to Sho-Dan in Bushidokan Karate-Kickboxing. In 2011, Sensei Harrison asked him to teach the Judo-Jujitsu Workshop at the first ever Bushidokan Style Symposium (held in Overland Park, KS). In 2017, Sensei Harrison promoted Travis to Go-Dan in Bushidokan Judo-Jujitsu, Yon-Dan in Bushidokan Karate-Kickboxing, and San-Dan in Bushidokan Ronin Goshin Jutsu. Travis is one of only six individuals to hold Black Belts in all three of Jim Harrison’s Bushidokan disciplines.
On July 19, 2017, Jim Harrison founded the Bushidokan Yudanshakai organization in order to preserve and develop the legacy, standards, traditions, and reputation of the Bushidokan® martial arts style. Sensei Harrison personally selected the members of the Board of Directors and bestowed certain powers to the organization. They include the authority to issue the Bushidokan Black Belt Rank Certificates, authority to maintain the Bushidokan Black Belt Register, and the authority to license/regulate the use of the Bushidokan Trademarks and Brand. Travis was appointed by Sensei Harrison to serve as Chairman (Kaicho) of the Board of Directors and President of the organization.
In addition to teaching, Travis has coached internationally. As a Team USA Coach, he has coached teams that have competed in the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) World Championships in Paris, France (2014), Wrocław, Poland (2016), & Malmö, Sweden (2018). In addition, in 2015 & 2016, he coached Team USA Members that competed in the JJIF International Grand Slam Tournaments as part of the UFC International Fight Week in Las Vegas, NV.
Due to Kenukan and Bushidokan’s reputation for teaching practical & effective street self-defense, Travis has taught many members of the U.S. Special Forces, SWAT teams, and other law enforcement agencies. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Travis was selected by Bob Wall & Chuck Norris to serve as an Instructor for their America in Defense (AID) Program. The program was designed to help teach commercial flight personnel how to defend against terrorist attacks and was under the auspices of the first Homeland Security Secretary, Mr. Tom Ridge. Over several years, thousands of American Airline Flight Personnel were instructed through the AID Program - including the flight crew that took down Richard Reid, the “Shoe Bomber.” As a result of the program’s success, Travis appeared as a self-defense expert on MSNBC’s “Ashleigh Banfield Live.”
From 1999-2001, Travis worked as the Assistant to the Secretary General of the International Federation of Pankration Athlima (IFPA). In 2000, he helped Co-Direct the Kansas City Pankration Grappling Symposium that brought in early UFC and MMA Legends, Ken Shamrock, Bart Vale, Keith Hackney, & Walt Lysak.
For many years, Travis has also enjoyed researching the history of Ju-Jitsu. As a result, he formed the Ju-Jutsu Historical Research Society (JJHRS) to explore the early technical development and worldwide spread of Ju-Jitsu during the Meiji Era of Japan (October 23, 1868 through July 30, 1912).
In 2008, Travis’ hometown of Olathe, Kansas, named him one of their “Top 150 Athletes” in Olathe's Sesquicentennial (150 Year) Celebration.
Dan Ranks
5th Dan - United States Taiho Jutsu (2024)
5th Dan - Kenukan Ju-Jitsu - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
5th Dan - Bushidokan Ju-Jitsu / Judo - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
5th Dan - Kenukan Karate-Do - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
5th Dan - Kenukan Kobudo - Sensei Robert Boggs (2010)
4th Dan - Bushidokan Karate / Kickboxing - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
3rd Dan - Bushidokan Ronin Goshin Jutsu - Sensei Jim Harrison (2017)
Shihan - Kenukan Budokai - Sensei Robert Boggs (2014)
Kenukan Academy - Owner & Chief Instructor (2006 - present)
Kaicho / President - Kenukan Budokai (2013 - present)
Kaicho / Chairman & President - Bushidokan Yudanshakai (2017 - present)
US Taiho Jutsu - State Director for Kansas (2024 - present)
University of Kansas School of Business
Bachelor of Science - Business Management & Leadership (2006)
American Coaching Effectiveness Program (ACEP) Certified (1998)
Certified Police Baton Instructor - Rapid Rotation Baton (2002)
Certified Flight Self-Defense Instructor for Bob Wall & Chuck Norris’ America in Defense (AID) Program (2002)
Notable Competitions & Coaching
5-time Junior State AAU Karate Champion
3-time Junior Regional AAU Karate Champion
Goodwill Games Gold Medalist - Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu - St. Petersburg, Russia (1994)
Mediterranean Games Gold Medalist - Team USA Karate & Ju-Jitsu - Athens, Greece (1995)
Team USA Coach - Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) World Championships: Paris, France (2014), Wrocław, Poland (2016), and Malmö, Sweden (2018)
Sensei Travis Boggs Contact Info -
Dojo Address: 220 W Cedar St, Olathe, KS 66061
Dojo Phone: 913-782-5425
E-Mail: [email protected]