USJJF Sanction Procedures
Guidelines for Issuing Sanctions - In order to guarantee that sanctions and certificates of insurance can be received on time, the sanction application and application for a certificate of insurance, if required, should be forwarded to the National Office at least 30 days in advance addressed to the National Registration Chairman, National Ju-Jitsu Office, 3816 Bellingham Drive, Reno, NV 89511.
National Office: 775-851-8875
General Information
1. All event sanctions are approved and issued from the National Office. The RJJO may only request approval of the sanction.
2. No USJJF event may be sanctioned by another organization for any purpose whatsoever unless previously approved by the Board of Directors. In the National and International Sports world, sanction means control. The USJJF had to declare its independence from control by any other organization in order to be a member of the JJIF. Therefore we cannot have any other organization sanction our events except the respective International Governing Bodies of which we are members. This applies to National, League, Regional, RJJO, JO, local qualifiers and events, State Championships and Team Trials, etc. That is, any US Ju-Jitsu event. It does not mean that we cannot sanction seminars, camps, or tournaments sanctioned by other organizations, they have to meet our requirements, but we cannot have our events sanctioned by other entities.
3. The USJJF rules require that all participants be registered USJJF members before participating in a sanctioned event. Violations of this rule make the event holder liable for any injury or damages and the insurance will not offer defense or provide coverage.
4. It is extremely important that you have a signed liability waiver on each registered athlete, each official, each volunteer helper, photographer, newspaper reporter or anyone else that you permit on the floor at an event. Failure to obtain and keep such waivers can cause the holder of an event to be liable for paying part of any liability claim resulting from someone who participated in any way and who did not sign a waiver. Only the exact required waivers provided by the insurance company are acceptable according to our agreement with the insurance company.
5. We strongly discourage a qualifier being held in conjunction with another event. It becomes impossible, unless it is clearly scheduled (the day before or after the other event), to determine what is what. It is not the intent of our rules to permit our qualifiers in conjunction with other events, but that they be separate events in and of themselves.
Incorporated Regional Ju-Jitsu Organization
1. Have the applicant for the sanction complete the appropriate sanction application. Make sure the correct and most current sanction application is used. All sanctions will be for insured events.
2. Collect the appropriate sanction fee and the deposit, if any, and indicate approval or disapproval. Forward the sanction application to the National Office with the national portion of the sanction fee. Final approval for the sanction must be given at the National Office.
3. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight or overnight charges to forward certificates of insurance will be paid by the RJJO or the applicant.)
4. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant. That is, that national entry fees from past sanctions have been paid! Note, if the sanction is on behalf of the RJJO, then the RJJO must have paid all past national entry fees and be current on all money due the federation.
5. If all national entry fees are paid, the National Office will then issue the formal sanction by stamping approval on the sanction application and returning it to the RJJO. The RJJO will then forward the sanction approval to the applicant.
6. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect the per competitor national entry fee after the event is held.
7. A copy of the sanctions is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman.
Unincorporated Regional Ju-Jitsu Organizations and Committees
1. Have the applicant for the sanction complete the appropriate sanction application. Make sure the correct and most current sanction application is used. All sanctions will be for insured events.
2. Collect the appropriate sanction fee and the deposit, if any, and forward the sanction application to the National Office with the entire sanction fee and any comments you may wish to make. (Some unincorporated areas may be permitted to deduct the RJJO portion of the sanction fee if authorized to do so by the National Office.) Approval for the sanction must be given at the National Office.
3. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight charges to forward certificates of insurance will be paid by the local representative or the applicant.)
4. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant. That is, that all required reporting has been met and that the national entry fees from prior sanctions have been paid.
5. If all national entry fees are paid, the National Office will then issue the formal sanction by stamping approval on the sanction application and returning it to the local USJJF representative. The local representative will then forward the sanction approval to the applicant.
6. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect any required sanction fees.
7. A copy of the sanctions is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman.
8. If there is no local representative, a request for sanction can be obtained from the National Office. Complete and return the application directly to the National Office with the sanction fee.
Cost of Sanction
Sanction Fees -
Sanction fee must be a minimum of $100 per event for all but international sanctions
An RJJO may charge a higher fee if it desires.
For international sanctions, check with the National Office.
National Participant Fees
A $2.00 ($4.00 if Financial Statement filed late.) National Participant Fee is paid to the National Office for each participant at a sanctioned event except for international sanctions. This may differ with an Allied Member. Check with the National Office.
An RJJO may charge its own participant fee.
Requirements After Sanctioned Event - National Participant Fee:
This fee must be forwarded to the National Office Immediately following the event. National Fee is $2.00 per participant. Financial Statement
Must be submitted within 30 days Affidavits on any financial assistance or payment in kind or other valuable assistance Required to be filed in 30 days. Allied Members
Allied members follow the procedures for incorporated RJJO’s and requirements for International Sanctions as needed. Requests for international sanctions must be handled separately from other sanctions. All requests for international sanctions must go through the National Office. No RJJO has the authority to approve an international sanction. International sanctions are required whenever competition is held between citizens representing different countries.
1. Sanction is required for all international competitions and only the US Ju-Jitsu Federation may sanction an international event.
2. The Sanction required for International purposes shall be granted any domestic organization conducting an international meet if the meet satisfies all proper requirements and protects the eligibility of the participants for future contest in international competition. The organization conducting the meet is considered to have the necessary ability to responsibly carry out the responsibilities required.
3. All requirements pertaining to the reporting of all financial obligations and moneys and the necessary affidavits required to maintain eligibility of Ju-Jitsuka shall also apply to any sanctioned international events.
4. The local RJJO or committee chairman can assist the applicant by providing the correct and most current international sanction application and in helping the applicant organize all data required to evaluate an international sanction. See the sanction application for the required information that must accompany the request for a sanction.
5. The application with a $100 minimum and deposit sanction fee is then sent in to the National Office for evaluation. The RJJO or committee chairperson may attach any comments felt appropriate to assist the National Office in evaluating the sanction request.
6. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight charges to forward a certificate of insurance will be paid by the RJJO or by the applicant.)
7. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant and that all other financial responsibilities have been met. That is, that required reporting from past sanctions has been done and no money is due the federation. Note if the sanction is on behalf of an RJJO, then the RJJO must be current on all moneys owed.
8. If all financial responsibilities are paid and all information is complete, the USJJF will evaluate the sanction request. The National Office will then issue the formal approval or denial by stamping the sanction application and returning it to the requesting body with a copy to the appropriate party.
9. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect the remaining sanction fee after the event is held. He will follow up to see that all appropriate financial reporting is made if the event is approved.
10. A copy of the sanction is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman so that he can determine if international permits need to be issued to participating US athletes.
11. A copy of the application will be sent to any RJJO or state chairman where the event is located if applicable.
12. Except where such international event is arranged for and conducted by the US Ju-Jitsu Federation and where all net proceeds go to the US Ju-Jitsu Federation, every organization to which a sanction is granted to conduct an international event (contests between two or more nations) for which an admission is charged and received, shall be required to pay as a sanction fee 5% (five percent) of the gross proceeds to the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation.
Guidelines for Sanctioning and Holding US Ju-Jitsu Tournaments;
1. If your club should decide to hold a US Ju-Jitsu Tournament, you should contact your regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson for a sanction application.
2. After you have completed the sanction application, you must get the approval and signature of the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson on the sanction application.
3. The RJJO then requests approval or disapproval of the sanction and forwards the sanction request to the National Office for issuance. At this writing, the sanction fee is $100.00 and this fee is required to be paid in advance. Sanction fees may vary from RJJO to RJJO, but the minimum requirement is $100.
4. If your tournament is a closed competition or limited to a few selected clubs, then these clubs should be notified. If this is an open tournament, then you should contact the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson for a list of registered ju-jitsu clubs in your area. Other regional ju-jitsu organizations or state chairpersons can assist you in learning of other clubs in other areas that might be interest in competing at your tournament.
5. Since the US Ju-Jitsu does allow unattached USJJF members to compete-that is, athletes who are not members of a member club, you should also determine what other ju-jitsu groups or unattached athletes may be interested in competition and invite them to your competition. Your regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson can probably give you a list of registered unattached athletes to contact.
6. The next step is to develop the entry form. The entry form must be approved by the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairman. On both the tournament flyer and entry form, the following information must appear:
a. Proposed modifications to the USJJF/JJIF Rules. These must have the approval of the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson. They can be in the manner of different divisions, the allowance of pads for adult competition, modification to uniform requirements, etc. Modifications not appearing on the entry form and tournament flyer should not be allowed. Rule changes for qualifying tournaments to the National Championships are strongly discouraged;
b. Advise that each athlete competing must be a registered eligible member of US Ju-Jitsu;
c. Advise that junior athletes should be prepared to present proof of age should a question of age arise;
d. Notification that a national entry fee is being included for each competitor as part of the entry fee.
7. After you have prepared your entry form and tournament flyer and before printing it, you should meet once more and review with the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson your forms and any proposed rule changes for this tournament. It is also a good idea to review the USJJF/JJIF Rules and the methods and procedure for holding matches under these rules with the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson to insure nothing is overlooked in your preparation.
8. The next thing you should do is to contact the local referee certification representative for your area and enlist his help in insuring that enough qualified referees are available to hold the competition. You may desire to arrange a special clinic for your club and others on the rules which will be used at your tournament. This will to help insures that a number of qualified referees, judges, timekeepers, charters, and scorekeepers are available to meet your needs. This is also of good educational value to the athletes who must compete under these rules.
9. Finally, your local regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson should help you get enough athletic membership applications for the planned turnout at your competition. Make sure you understand exactly what the appropriate membership fee is, it can vary by area, and that each participant is a registered member of the federation. If your tournament involves other RJJOs', you should contact them to get their membership forms as it will advise their fee requirements, if different, and facilitate the registration of their athletes.
10. You are now on your way to holding a US Ju-Jitsu sanctioned ju-jitsu competition. Having developed an understanding of what is required, all that is left is to put your knowledge into the effort required to insure your tournament's success.
11. After the tournament, you have 30 days to file the required financial statements, copy of the sanction, and the National Entry Fee to the US Ju-Jitsu Federation. A copy of the financial statement is also given to your regional sport organization or state chairperson. Any net profit/loss from the tournament must accrue to the club treasury for which the sanction is issued. If your club rules allow, you may be paid a fee for your work done on their behalf. The size of this fee is contracted between you and your club.
12. Mail sanction, financial statement, and National Entry Fee to John Chatwood, National US Ju-Jitsu Treasurer at 3816 Bellingham Drive, Reno, NV 89511. Again, this must be done within thirty (30) days or the National Entry Fee is raised to $4.00 instead of $2.00.
(Note: Extract from USJJF Administration Manual)
RJJO or State Championships are usually contracted on a bid basis and are limited to clubs and athletes within the RJJO boundaries. The regional ju-jitsu organization or its designate is responsible for the running of this tournament. This is usually the qualifying tournament for competitors to the National US Ju-Jitsu League Championships. Most RJJOs bid out this event..
National Office: 775-851-8875
General Information
1. All event sanctions are approved and issued from the National Office. The RJJO may only request approval of the sanction.
2. No USJJF event may be sanctioned by another organization for any purpose whatsoever unless previously approved by the Board of Directors. In the National and International Sports world, sanction means control. The USJJF had to declare its independence from control by any other organization in order to be a member of the JJIF. Therefore we cannot have any other organization sanction our events except the respective International Governing Bodies of which we are members. This applies to National, League, Regional, RJJO, JO, local qualifiers and events, State Championships and Team Trials, etc. That is, any US Ju-Jitsu event. It does not mean that we cannot sanction seminars, camps, or tournaments sanctioned by other organizations, they have to meet our requirements, but we cannot have our events sanctioned by other entities.
3. The USJJF rules require that all participants be registered USJJF members before participating in a sanctioned event. Violations of this rule make the event holder liable for any injury or damages and the insurance will not offer defense or provide coverage.
4. It is extremely important that you have a signed liability waiver on each registered athlete, each official, each volunteer helper, photographer, newspaper reporter or anyone else that you permit on the floor at an event. Failure to obtain and keep such waivers can cause the holder of an event to be liable for paying part of any liability claim resulting from someone who participated in any way and who did not sign a waiver. Only the exact required waivers provided by the insurance company are acceptable according to our agreement with the insurance company.
5. We strongly discourage a qualifier being held in conjunction with another event. It becomes impossible, unless it is clearly scheduled (the day before or after the other event), to determine what is what. It is not the intent of our rules to permit our qualifiers in conjunction with other events, but that they be separate events in and of themselves.
Incorporated Regional Ju-Jitsu Organization
1. Have the applicant for the sanction complete the appropriate sanction application. Make sure the correct and most current sanction application is used. All sanctions will be for insured events.
2. Collect the appropriate sanction fee and the deposit, if any, and indicate approval or disapproval. Forward the sanction application to the National Office with the national portion of the sanction fee. Final approval for the sanction must be given at the National Office.
3. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight or overnight charges to forward certificates of insurance will be paid by the RJJO or the applicant.)
4. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant. That is, that national entry fees from past sanctions have been paid! Note, if the sanction is on behalf of the RJJO, then the RJJO must have paid all past national entry fees and be current on all money due the federation.
5. If all national entry fees are paid, the National Office will then issue the formal sanction by stamping approval on the sanction application and returning it to the RJJO. The RJJO will then forward the sanction approval to the applicant.
6. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect the per competitor national entry fee after the event is held.
7. A copy of the sanctions is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman.
Unincorporated Regional Ju-Jitsu Organizations and Committees
1. Have the applicant for the sanction complete the appropriate sanction application. Make sure the correct and most current sanction application is used. All sanctions will be for insured events.
2. Collect the appropriate sanction fee and the deposit, if any, and forward the sanction application to the National Office with the entire sanction fee and any comments you may wish to make. (Some unincorporated areas may be permitted to deduct the RJJO portion of the sanction fee if authorized to do so by the National Office.) Approval for the sanction must be given at the National Office.
3. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight charges to forward certificates of insurance will be paid by the local representative or the applicant.)
4. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant. That is, that all required reporting has been met and that the national entry fees from prior sanctions have been paid.
5. If all national entry fees are paid, the National Office will then issue the formal sanction by stamping approval on the sanction application and returning it to the local USJJF representative. The local representative will then forward the sanction approval to the applicant.
6. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect any required sanction fees.
7. A copy of the sanctions is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman.
8. If there is no local representative, a request for sanction can be obtained from the National Office. Complete and return the application directly to the National Office with the sanction fee.
Cost of Sanction
Sanction Fees -
Sanction fee must be a minimum of $100 per event for all but international sanctions
An RJJO may charge a higher fee if it desires.
For international sanctions, check with the National Office.
National Participant Fees
A $2.00 ($4.00 if Financial Statement filed late.) National Participant Fee is paid to the National Office for each participant at a sanctioned event except for international sanctions. This may differ with an Allied Member. Check with the National Office.
An RJJO may charge its own participant fee.
Requirements After Sanctioned Event - National Participant Fee:
This fee must be forwarded to the National Office Immediately following the event. National Fee is $2.00 per participant. Financial Statement
Must be submitted within 30 days Affidavits on any financial assistance or payment in kind or other valuable assistance Required to be filed in 30 days. Allied Members
Allied members follow the procedures for incorporated RJJO’s and requirements for International Sanctions as needed. Requests for international sanctions must be handled separately from other sanctions. All requests for international sanctions must go through the National Office. No RJJO has the authority to approve an international sanction. International sanctions are required whenever competition is held between citizens representing different countries.
1. Sanction is required for all international competitions and only the US Ju-Jitsu Federation may sanction an international event.
2. The Sanction required for International purposes shall be granted any domestic organization conducting an international meet if the meet satisfies all proper requirements and protects the eligibility of the participants for future contest in international competition. The organization conducting the meet is considered to have the necessary ability to responsibly carry out the responsibilities required.
3. All requirements pertaining to the reporting of all financial obligations and moneys and the necessary affidavits required to maintain eligibility of Ju-Jitsuka shall also apply to any sanctioned international events.
4. The local RJJO or committee chairman can assist the applicant by providing the correct and most current international sanction application and in helping the applicant organize all data required to evaluate an international sanction. See the sanction application for the required information that must accompany the request for a sanction.
5. The application with a $100 minimum and deposit sanction fee is then sent in to the National Office for evaluation. The RJJO or committee chairperson may attach any comments felt appropriate to assist the National Office in evaluating the sanction request.
6. At the same the time the sanction is sent, forward any request for a certificate of insurance. Use the form provided by the insurance company. (Note, any express or overnight charges to forward a certificate of insurance will be paid by the RJJO or by the applicant.)
7. The National Office will check to see that all other sanctions have been closed off for this applicant and that all other financial responsibilities have been met. That is, that required reporting from past sanctions has been done and no money is due the federation. Note if the sanction is on behalf of an RJJO, then the RJJO must be current on all moneys owed.
8. If all financial responsibilities are paid and all information is complete, the USJJF will evaluate the sanction request. The National Office will then issue the formal approval or denial by stamping the sanction application and returning it to the requesting body with a copy to the appropriate party.
9. A copy of sanction will be forwarded to treasurer to collect the remaining sanction fee after the event is held. He will follow up to see that all appropriate financial reporting is made if the event is approved.
10. A copy of the sanction is also forwarded to the National Registration Chairman so that he can determine if international permits need to be issued to participating US athletes.
11. A copy of the application will be sent to any RJJO or state chairman where the event is located if applicable.
12. Except where such international event is arranged for and conducted by the US Ju-Jitsu Federation and where all net proceeds go to the US Ju-Jitsu Federation, every organization to which a sanction is granted to conduct an international event (contests between two or more nations) for which an admission is charged and received, shall be required to pay as a sanction fee 5% (five percent) of the gross proceeds to the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation.
Guidelines for Sanctioning and Holding US Ju-Jitsu Tournaments;
1. If your club should decide to hold a US Ju-Jitsu Tournament, you should contact your regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson for a sanction application.
2. After you have completed the sanction application, you must get the approval and signature of the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson on the sanction application.
3. The RJJO then requests approval or disapproval of the sanction and forwards the sanction request to the National Office for issuance. At this writing, the sanction fee is $100.00 and this fee is required to be paid in advance. Sanction fees may vary from RJJO to RJJO, but the minimum requirement is $100.
4. If your tournament is a closed competition or limited to a few selected clubs, then these clubs should be notified. If this is an open tournament, then you should contact the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson for a list of registered ju-jitsu clubs in your area. Other regional ju-jitsu organizations or state chairpersons can assist you in learning of other clubs in other areas that might be interest in competing at your tournament.
5. Since the US Ju-Jitsu does allow unattached USJJF members to compete-that is, athletes who are not members of a member club, you should also determine what other ju-jitsu groups or unattached athletes may be interested in competition and invite them to your competition. Your regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson can probably give you a list of registered unattached athletes to contact.
6. The next step is to develop the entry form. The entry form must be approved by the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairman. On both the tournament flyer and entry form, the following information must appear:
a. Proposed modifications to the USJJF/JJIF Rules. These must have the approval of the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson. They can be in the manner of different divisions, the allowance of pads for adult competition, modification to uniform requirements, etc. Modifications not appearing on the entry form and tournament flyer should not be allowed. Rule changes for qualifying tournaments to the National Championships are strongly discouraged;
b. Advise that each athlete competing must be a registered eligible member of US Ju-Jitsu;
c. Advise that junior athletes should be prepared to present proof of age should a question of age arise;
d. Notification that a national entry fee is being included for each competitor as part of the entry fee.
7. After you have prepared your entry form and tournament flyer and before printing it, you should meet once more and review with the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson your forms and any proposed rule changes for this tournament. It is also a good idea to review the USJJF/JJIF Rules and the methods and procedure for holding matches under these rules with the regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson to insure nothing is overlooked in your preparation.
8. The next thing you should do is to contact the local referee certification representative for your area and enlist his help in insuring that enough qualified referees are available to hold the competition. You may desire to arrange a special clinic for your club and others on the rules which will be used at your tournament. This will to help insures that a number of qualified referees, judges, timekeepers, charters, and scorekeepers are available to meet your needs. This is also of good educational value to the athletes who must compete under these rules.
9. Finally, your local regional ju-jitsu organization or state chairperson should help you get enough athletic membership applications for the planned turnout at your competition. Make sure you understand exactly what the appropriate membership fee is, it can vary by area, and that each participant is a registered member of the federation. If your tournament involves other RJJOs', you should contact them to get their membership forms as it will advise their fee requirements, if different, and facilitate the registration of their athletes.
10. You are now on your way to holding a US Ju-Jitsu sanctioned ju-jitsu competition. Having developed an understanding of what is required, all that is left is to put your knowledge into the effort required to insure your tournament's success.
11. After the tournament, you have 30 days to file the required financial statements, copy of the sanction, and the National Entry Fee to the US Ju-Jitsu Federation. A copy of the financial statement is also given to your regional sport organization or state chairperson. Any net profit/loss from the tournament must accrue to the club treasury for which the sanction is issued. If your club rules allow, you may be paid a fee for your work done on their behalf. The size of this fee is contracted between you and your club.
12. Mail sanction, financial statement, and National Entry Fee to John Chatwood, National US Ju-Jitsu Treasurer at 3816 Bellingham Drive, Reno, NV 89511. Again, this must be done within thirty (30) days or the National Entry Fee is raised to $4.00 instead of $2.00.
(Note: Extract from USJJF Administration Manual)
RJJO or State Championships are usually contracted on a bid basis and are limited to clubs and athletes within the RJJO boundaries. The regional ju-jitsu organization or its designate is responsible for the running of this tournament. This is usually the qualifying tournament for competitors to the National US Ju-Jitsu League Championships. Most RJJOs bid out this event..