Flavio Dias Quivixi Armando
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ) ®
Life Member - United States Martial Arts Federation tm
USJJF Regional Leader for Alabama
Flavio Dias Quivixi Armando, Portuguese native and Angolan citizen is a well known and recognized martial artist in Angola and United States, East Corridor. Providing himself as a child prodigy he became an excellent martial artist in the art of Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Krav-Maga and Kokikai Aikido. Armando's particular set of skills were recognized by the Angolan Judo Federation and Luanda Judo Association, and he has continued to share his talents as a highly successful martial arts instructor at the Hoji-ya-henda Martial Arts school. Armando is 2nd Dan in Kodokan Judo and Traditional Jiu Jitsu (both Japanese style), 2nd Dan in Aikido Kokikai and 3rd Degree Black Belt in Krav-Maga (self Defense) Instructor.
Armando is currently classified as Mixed Martial Artist as he holds black belt in different martial arts styles giving him the advantage to teach practical real-life techniques that may save lives of people in a real danger situation. Armando, is a recognized certified Continental and National Martial Arts Coach by the U.S. Olympic Organization body for the Sport of Judo (USA Judo).
Armando began his martial arts career in 1995 when he was 9 years old and decided to practice Judo and Jiu-jitsu under grand Master João Geraldo, 9th DAN in Judo and Jiu Jitsu. At the age of 16 he started practicing Krav Maga under Instructor Carlos Mendonça (Cali) deceased in 2006 and at the age of 22 he began practicing Aikido under Manuel Vascos (Moi). In Angola Armando has practiced Judo/Jiu Jitsu at the same Judo School which provided in its curriculum 50% Judo and 50% traditional Jiu Jitsu while the school was only registered with the Angola Judo Federation for lack of Jiu Jitsu governing body in Angola at the time of his martial art career in Angola. The Judo and Jiu Jitsu classes were administered 3 times a week with 1h of Judo and 1hr of Jiu Jitsu although the school always claimed Jiu Jitsu as part of the Judo and not making it two separated martial arts but instead a single art of JUDO with the inclusion of the traditional Jiu Jitsu. There are still, Angolan Judokas who are considered Judo - Jiu Jitsu martial artist while practicing Judo as most Judo Schools in Angola have Jiu Jitsu merged with Judo so that a Judoka can be considered a real JUDOKA by training both (Judo & Jiu Jitsu) regardless if the school name ONLY included the word “JUDO.”
The National Police Academy of Angola hired him to teach his skills with new officers for about three (3) years. Armando was a martial arts/self defense instructor for the National Police Academy of Angola till he moved to the United States of America in 2015. Armando did acquire his 1st Dan in Judo and Jiu Jitsu in 2014 but due to international travels for work reasons ONLY in 2017 he received his official graduation certificate from the Angola Judo Federation national governing body who recognizes him as JUDOKA. Angola recognizes most Judokas who started practicing Judo before 2000 as Judokas who are Jiu Jitsu arts and capable of competing and teaching both, Judo and Jiu Jitsu at the highest level due to the 50% Judo training along with 50% Jiu Jitsu curriculum included in the Judo training. Flavio Armando has participated in several municipal, provincial, state, national and continental competition. In 2003 he won a gold medal and silver under 1st and 2nd place in the municipal and provincial tournament in Luanda, Angola with the category of 48Kg.
Armando is a member of the Angola Judo Federation and Luanda Judo Association, member of the International Krav Maga Federation and International Jiu Jitsu Federation. Is also life member of the United States Judo Federation (USJF), USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ), United States Martial Arts Federation (USMAF), United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF), United States Judo Association (USJA), USA Judo (USAJ), and member of the United States Aikido Federation (USAF).
Armando graduated in 2007 with bachelor’s degree in chemistry from School of Engineering at University Agostinho Neto with 3.93 GPA, in 2012 obtained his master’s degree in forensic chemistry with 4.0 GPA and became Analytical Chemistry, Organic, Inorganic and Laboratory Chemistry Professor at Independent University of Angola from 2012 to 2015 while he was also National Police Advisor for the National Criminalistic Laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Department. Also, Armando was Consultant of the General Command of the National Police of Angola for Criminalistic and Traffic areas for about three (3) years before moving permanently to the United States of America.
Armando currently practices Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga and Aikido in the United States of America. He conveniently travels to Portugal his second country of nationality, Angola his birth country, Brazil, and Israel to offer and attend martial arts seminars. Armando has traveled to different countries due to the nature of his work while representing the Angolan Government as National Police Advisor and used his and each travel to visit, give seminars in self-defense for different martial arts schools. He also attends some international martial arts events whenever his agenda allows him to attend. Armando practiced/thought Martial Arts while in Pennsylvania at the Judo Center of Lancaster and YMCA in Hanover.
Armando was a Corporate Senior Quality Assurance Manager for the Martel Group, Inc., in Pennsylvania while serving as private FSQA Consultant in his spare time to private Companies operating under the USDA and/or U.S. FDA.
Armando currently lives in the State of Alabama, Hoover area where his three (3) children and wife also practice martial arts and recently Armando has decided to open his first Martial Arts School where he plans to teach mainly traditional Jiu-Jitsu along side with Judo techniques. He also attends occasionally classes of BJJ -Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu where he ranks as Kyu.
Flavio Armando, besides being a well-recognized martial artist in the United States and Angola, he is a professional Quality Assurance asset of the Food Manufacturers of the United States. Currently he works for DFA – Dairy Farmers of America as Quality Assurance and Laboratory Supervisor for the Mayfield Ice Cream Plant, located in Homewood, Alabama. Before moving to Alabama, Armando lived in Pennsylvania for about seven (7) years and worked for Hain Pure Protein Corporation as Quality Assurance Supervisor for about two (2) years and Hanover Cold Storage, Inc., as Quality Assurance Manager for about three years and half (3.5).
Sensei Armando can be contacted at:
Email: [email protected]
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ) ®
Life Member - United States Martial Arts Federation tm
USJJF Regional Leader for Alabama
Flavio Dias Quivixi Armando, Portuguese native and Angolan citizen is a well known and recognized martial artist in Angola and United States, East Corridor. Providing himself as a child prodigy he became an excellent martial artist in the art of Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Krav-Maga and Kokikai Aikido. Armando's particular set of skills were recognized by the Angolan Judo Federation and Luanda Judo Association, and he has continued to share his talents as a highly successful martial arts instructor at the Hoji-ya-henda Martial Arts school. Armando is 2nd Dan in Kodokan Judo and Traditional Jiu Jitsu (both Japanese style), 2nd Dan in Aikido Kokikai and 3rd Degree Black Belt in Krav-Maga (self Defense) Instructor.
Armando is currently classified as Mixed Martial Artist as he holds black belt in different martial arts styles giving him the advantage to teach practical real-life techniques that may save lives of people in a real danger situation. Armando, is a recognized certified Continental and National Martial Arts Coach by the U.S. Olympic Organization body for the Sport of Judo (USA Judo).
Armando began his martial arts career in 1995 when he was 9 years old and decided to practice Judo and Jiu-jitsu under grand Master João Geraldo, 9th DAN in Judo and Jiu Jitsu. At the age of 16 he started practicing Krav Maga under Instructor Carlos Mendonça (Cali) deceased in 2006 and at the age of 22 he began practicing Aikido under Manuel Vascos (Moi). In Angola Armando has practiced Judo/Jiu Jitsu at the same Judo School which provided in its curriculum 50% Judo and 50% traditional Jiu Jitsu while the school was only registered with the Angola Judo Federation for lack of Jiu Jitsu governing body in Angola at the time of his martial art career in Angola. The Judo and Jiu Jitsu classes were administered 3 times a week with 1h of Judo and 1hr of Jiu Jitsu although the school always claimed Jiu Jitsu as part of the Judo and not making it two separated martial arts but instead a single art of JUDO with the inclusion of the traditional Jiu Jitsu. There are still, Angolan Judokas who are considered Judo - Jiu Jitsu martial artist while practicing Judo as most Judo Schools in Angola have Jiu Jitsu merged with Judo so that a Judoka can be considered a real JUDOKA by training both (Judo & Jiu Jitsu) regardless if the school name ONLY included the word “JUDO.”
The National Police Academy of Angola hired him to teach his skills with new officers for about three (3) years. Armando was a martial arts/self defense instructor for the National Police Academy of Angola till he moved to the United States of America in 2015. Armando did acquire his 1st Dan in Judo and Jiu Jitsu in 2014 but due to international travels for work reasons ONLY in 2017 he received his official graduation certificate from the Angola Judo Federation national governing body who recognizes him as JUDOKA. Angola recognizes most Judokas who started practicing Judo before 2000 as Judokas who are Jiu Jitsu arts and capable of competing and teaching both, Judo and Jiu Jitsu at the highest level due to the 50% Judo training along with 50% Jiu Jitsu curriculum included in the Judo training. Flavio Armando has participated in several municipal, provincial, state, national and continental competition. In 2003 he won a gold medal and silver under 1st and 2nd place in the municipal and provincial tournament in Luanda, Angola with the category of 48Kg.
Armando is a member of the Angola Judo Federation and Luanda Judo Association, member of the International Krav Maga Federation and International Jiu Jitsu Federation. Is also life member of the United States Judo Federation (USJF), USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ), United States Martial Arts Federation (USMAF), United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF), United States Judo Association (USJA), USA Judo (USAJ), and member of the United States Aikido Federation (USAF).
Armando graduated in 2007 with bachelor’s degree in chemistry from School of Engineering at University Agostinho Neto with 3.93 GPA, in 2012 obtained his master’s degree in forensic chemistry with 4.0 GPA and became Analytical Chemistry, Organic, Inorganic and Laboratory Chemistry Professor at Independent University of Angola from 2012 to 2015 while he was also National Police Advisor for the National Criminalistic Laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Department. Also, Armando was Consultant of the General Command of the National Police of Angola for Criminalistic and Traffic areas for about three (3) years before moving permanently to the United States of America.
Armando currently practices Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga and Aikido in the United States of America. He conveniently travels to Portugal his second country of nationality, Angola his birth country, Brazil, and Israel to offer and attend martial arts seminars. Armando has traveled to different countries due to the nature of his work while representing the Angolan Government as National Police Advisor and used his and each travel to visit, give seminars in self-defense for different martial arts schools. He also attends some international martial arts events whenever his agenda allows him to attend. Armando practiced/thought Martial Arts while in Pennsylvania at the Judo Center of Lancaster and YMCA in Hanover.
Armando was a Corporate Senior Quality Assurance Manager for the Martel Group, Inc., in Pennsylvania while serving as private FSQA Consultant in his spare time to private Companies operating under the USDA and/or U.S. FDA.
Armando currently lives in the State of Alabama, Hoover area where his three (3) children and wife also practice martial arts and recently Armando has decided to open his first Martial Arts School where he plans to teach mainly traditional Jiu-Jitsu along side with Judo techniques. He also attends occasionally classes of BJJ -Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu where he ranks as Kyu.
Flavio Armando, besides being a well-recognized martial artist in the United States and Angola, he is a professional Quality Assurance asset of the Food Manufacturers of the United States. Currently he works for DFA – Dairy Farmers of America as Quality Assurance and Laboratory Supervisor for the Mayfield Ice Cream Plant, located in Homewood, Alabama. Before moving to Alabama, Armando lived in Pennsylvania for about seven (7) years and worked for Hain Pure Protein Corporation as Quality Assurance Supervisor for about two (2) years and Hanover Cold Storage, Inc., as Quality Assurance Manager for about three years and half (3.5).
Sensei Armando can be contacted at:
Email: [email protected]