Samuel Alejandro Lanza
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Federation (PJJF) tm
Member - USJJF Masters Caucus
Member - PJJF Masters Caucus
USTJ & ITJ National Director for Argentina
Argentina National Representative for USJJF & PJJF
USTJ & ITJ National Director for Argentina
Sensei Lanza began martial arts practices at the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights on September 15, 1982, under the direction of Shihan Cesar M. Negri President and director of said entity who taught karate DO, KyokushinKai Kan / Karate full contact classes. The practices consisted of long hours of kihon/kata and Kumite, training every day of the week after school hours, an activity in which he began by his father to forge and instruct him in the Oriental disciplines. At that time he was part of the children's youth classes, at the same time on different days and times Shihan Negri taught traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu classes.
Beginning in 1984, he received my first titles from the U.S.K.A, A.S.A.M and the Pan-American Budo Union, that same year the South American Open Martial Arts tournament was held in the city of Mar del Plata where he began my sports career, obtaining 1st place. in Kata and 2nd place in Kumite in the category of 07 to 10 years, in this same year he receive the active member card of the recently formed World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations (W.C.J.J.O) continuing with my primary studies, reaching the year 1987 I compete in the 1st Kyokushinkai Kan National Karate Tournament obtaining podium in kumite and breaking heavy material (tameshiwari) in 1988 I participated in the 2nd edition of the aforementioned Championship obtaining 1st place in kumite and kata in said event - the 1st Ju Jitsu seminar, Yawara and Kubotan.
At the end of 1988, he satisfactorily entered the Río Santiago Military Naval Lyceum, of which he should have been a part at the end of 1989 and due to family tasks and moving to another city, he gave up said admission and continued his school studies with orientation in Commercial Sciences. That same year, he receive the black belt (Juvenile). In 1990, he continued with his secondary studies, and was part of the traditional Ju Jitsu youth team to compete in the United States of America. From said Delegation we participated in the 1st Traditional Ju Jitsu instruction by Wally Jay. In 1991, he competed in the 1st Kyokushin karate tournament, obtaining 1st place in the senior category "Kumite Open" up to 20 years old. At the end of that year, he attended the formal presentation in Argentina of the members of the World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations. in the amphitheater of Club Atlético Mar del Plata where the regulation of the Sport Ju Jistu Full Contact modality was exhibited for the 1st time in the world, participating in the gala and the subsequent traditional Ju Jitsu seminar dictated by the technical director of the team (U.S.A). position held by the Sensei and friend to date Tony Maynard currently President of American Combat Ju Jitsu. That same year he began the training to be part of the training for the youth team for the team that would compete with the 5th Ju Jitsu World Championship (W.C.J.J.O) held in 1992 in Argentina, in said contest of institutional and historical relevance for this entity already obtaining the Shodan participating in the Seminar given by Professor Wally Jay completing all the requirements on Small Circle Techniques of Ju Jitsu. He received the 1st Dan certificate from "Ju JItsu America".
That same year he began to teach Karate and Ju Jitsu classes under the supervision of the Executive Committee of the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights (A.A.L.O) he continued to teach classes taking seminars, and courses on handling of tonfa, Kubotan, and training on physical training adapted to martial arts and contact sports in the following years he continued to teach classes taking seminars, and courses on management of tonfa, Kubotan, and training on physical training adapted to martial arts and contact sports. In 1994 and up to the present, he was part of the Instructors Corps of the Hombu Dojo of the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu.
Already completing his secondary studies obtaining the title of commercial expert, he began to instruct me in the civil face to give admission to the current I.E.R.I.C (Institute of Statistics and registration of the Argentine Construction Industry and related). Of which he became a recognized member from 1997 to the present. Since 1995 he has ventured into countless national, South American and international championships from which he has obtained considerable achievements in the disciplines of karate in the kata and kumite modality and traditional Ju Jitsu.
In the following years, he continued to teach classes, taking seminars and training on everything related to martial arts in general, obtaining several distinctions that work in the file of the Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu School.
In 1999 he joined the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires obtaining the 1st general average and distinctions and merits in the training of: "Agents of the Group Command" entity of which he was part for more than 20 years, of the which he obtained numerous distinctions as well as the outstanding diploma of honor granted by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires and the medal: outstanding in Act of Service. In said institution, he dictated and advised in the area of police personal defense for which he obtained recognition from the Active Council of General Commissioners (R) and the silver plaque from said institution for having obtained high qualifications.
Competition History:
- South American Martial Arts Tournament 1984 (Asam) 1st place Kumite Kyu category - 10 years
- 1986 Pan American Budo Union Championship
- Provincial Championship editions 1986-1987-1988-1989 (titles obtained Champion and Sub Champion)
- 1991 Open National Championship Inter 8 Styles 1st place Free Kumite and Great Champion Danish youth category
- 1992: 5th Ju Jitsu World Championships W.C.J.J.O Mar del Plata Argentina youth category
- 1993/94/95 Consecutive champion of the national Jujitsu championship editions Ne waza specialty
- 1996 1st National open tournament for martial arts teachers 1st place in the Danes medium category 1st place for teams 1st place Kumite free weight (Open)
- Eight-time consecutive guest champion at the World Tang Soo Do Association Korean Karate Championships
- 1997 2nd edition Champion of Champions Tournament Argentine Republic 1st place in the Senior Danes category (Open) free weight
- 1997 South American Champion TOURNAMENT (South American Martial Arts Union of America – U.I.A.M.A).
- 1998 7th Ju jitsu World Championships October 17 & 18 1998 Reno Nevada bronze medal for teams and individual category medium heavy.
- South American Champion Closing Tournament (South American Union of Martial Arts of America - U.I.A.M.A).
- 1999 Beginning in participation in the Master category 4th Dan onwards Champion and Runner-up Tournament Pre-selective U.I.A.M.A.
- 1st place Shobu Ippon full Contact category + 85 kilos.
- 2000/2001 Participation in 30 Karate and Ju jitsu tournaments supervised: F.A.D.E.L.T.
- 2002 Champion of L.N.A.M (National League of Martial Arts) 1st and 2nd and 3rd place in Traditional Ju Jitsu Sport Ju Jitsu modalities and Ne Waza open championship supervised by the Atlantic Regional Judo Association.
- 2003/04/05/06/07/08/09 Participation in 80 Karate and Ju Jitsu championships, obtaining a large medal table in the aforementioned modalities (I will attach a photographic file of said medal table).
- 2010 Technical trainer and physical trainer of the Ju Jitsu National Team that participated in the 2010 world championship in Las Vegas Nevada (W.C.J.J.O).
- 2012 Ju Jitsu International Champion in the Grappling and Sport Ju Jitsu Full Contact categories organized by Morganti Ju Jitsu Brazil in the heavyweight category.
- 2014 Champion 2nd edition of Ju Jitsu Provincial Inter School Tournament in the Masters full weight category in the Sport Ju Jitsu full contact modality.
- 2016 Champion 1st Bicentennial Cup Argentine Republic in free weight full contact karate
- 2017/2018/2019 Champion and current holder of the international karate open title (International Tournament edition called Copa República Argentina
- 2021 Post Pandemic Champion Opening Tournament Sport Ju Jitsu and karate open Master category
- 2022: 3 times national champion traditional Ju Jitsu / karate (Kumite and Kata) City of Mar del Plata.
- International Martial Arts Referee.
- International Ju Jitsu Referee (W.C.J.J.O).
- Trainer and physical trainer.
- Circle Instructor of Police Officers of the Province of Buenos Aires.
- Lecturer at the 1st open seminar for all police forces in the country, held at the Headquarters of the Circle of Police Officers of the Province of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata Headquarters.
- Airport Security Police personal defense instructor.
- Technical Director of Ju Jitsu of (W.C.J.J.O) speaker of seminars of said institution in the last fifteen years.
- Lecturer in training courses for personal defense instructors for the University of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina for three consecutive years for the Quality I.S.A.D Institute, certifying the participating members in techniques of falls, flips, fighting on the floor, free defenses against various grips and free combat.
- Head of the Argentine Branch of W.I.K.O (World Independent Kyokushin Organization).
- Recognized and graduated from both institutions with the hierarchy of 6th Dan Black Belt (Shihan)
International Titles:
- Member of the World Karate Master Association recognized by the International Olympic Committee as representative for Argentina in the KYOKUSHINKAI KAN system
- International Positions: Professional Kumite Commission Member (World Karate Master Association)
- Delegate for Argentina of the World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations
- Nominations: WORLD MARTIAL ART BOARD: Has Been Assigned as: MEMBER AMB & (WMB)
- Branch Chief as official Representative of IBU Organization
- International BudoKai Union Ju Jitsu Kyodo Group
- Outstanding mentions in other Martial Arts: in 2012 he participated in the Combat Techniques Seminar given by: Master Chang Seong Dong Director Sang Rok World Taekwondo Academy Recognized by WTF (Kukkiiwon). Obtaining the diploma of honor.
- Twice invited to the world class of Judo, by Sensei Antonio Gallina, the President of the Argentine Judo Confederation.
Sensei Lanza maintains a close institutional relationship due to the joint work of the roots of Judo.
Currently, Sensei Lanza continues to teach classes at the Hombú dojo as General Director and Technical Director for the Decentralized headquarters scattered in different parts of the Argentine Republic.
Current Rankings:
- 6th Dan Black Belt in Kyokushinkai Kan Karate with the rank of Shihan.
- 8th Dan Red & White Belt in Traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu from the Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu School with the Kyoshi rank.
- Trained in Ethical and Metaphysical Oriental Philosophy, by Dr. in Philosophy Cesar María Negri 10 Dan (R.I.P)
Shihan Samuel A. Lanza’s Contact Info -
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Pages:
Phone: +5492236005202
Life Member - United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ®
Life Member - Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Federation (PJJF) tm
Member - USJJF Masters Caucus
Member - PJJF Masters Caucus
USTJ & ITJ National Director for Argentina
Argentina National Representative for USJJF & PJJF
USTJ & ITJ National Director for Argentina
Sensei Lanza began martial arts practices at the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights on September 15, 1982, under the direction of Shihan Cesar M. Negri President and director of said entity who taught karate DO, KyokushinKai Kan / Karate full contact classes. The practices consisted of long hours of kihon/kata and Kumite, training every day of the week after school hours, an activity in which he began by his father to forge and instruct him in the Oriental disciplines. At that time he was part of the children's youth classes, at the same time on different days and times Shihan Negri taught traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu classes.
Beginning in 1984, he received my first titles from the U.S.K.A, A.S.A.M and the Pan-American Budo Union, that same year the South American Open Martial Arts tournament was held in the city of Mar del Plata where he began my sports career, obtaining 1st place. in Kata and 2nd place in Kumite in the category of 07 to 10 years, in this same year he receive the active member card of the recently formed World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations (W.C.J.J.O) continuing with my primary studies, reaching the year 1987 I compete in the 1st Kyokushinkai Kan National Karate Tournament obtaining podium in kumite and breaking heavy material (tameshiwari) in 1988 I participated in the 2nd edition of the aforementioned Championship obtaining 1st place in kumite and kata in said event - the 1st Ju Jitsu seminar, Yawara and Kubotan.
At the end of 1988, he satisfactorily entered the Río Santiago Military Naval Lyceum, of which he should have been a part at the end of 1989 and due to family tasks and moving to another city, he gave up said admission and continued his school studies with orientation in Commercial Sciences. That same year, he receive the black belt (Juvenile). In 1990, he continued with his secondary studies, and was part of the traditional Ju Jitsu youth team to compete in the United States of America. From said Delegation we participated in the 1st Traditional Ju Jitsu instruction by Wally Jay. In 1991, he competed in the 1st Kyokushin karate tournament, obtaining 1st place in the senior category "Kumite Open" up to 20 years old. At the end of that year, he attended the formal presentation in Argentina of the members of the World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations. in the amphitheater of Club Atlético Mar del Plata where the regulation of the Sport Ju Jistu Full Contact modality was exhibited for the 1st time in the world, participating in the gala and the subsequent traditional Ju Jitsu seminar dictated by the technical director of the team (U.S.A). position held by the Sensei and friend to date Tony Maynard currently President of American Combat Ju Jitsu. That same year he began the training to be part of the training for the youth team for the team that would compete with the 5th Ju Jitsu World Championship (W.C.J.J.O) held in 1992 in Argentina, in said contest of institutional and historical relevance for this entity already obtaining the Shodan participating in the Seminar given by Professor Wally Jay completing all the requirements on Small Circle Techniques of Ju Jitsu. He received the 1st Dan certificate from "Ju JItsu America".
That same year he began to teach Karate and Ju Jitsu classes under the supervision of the Executive Committee of the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights (A.A.L.O) he continued to teach classes taking seminars, and courses on handling of tonfa, Kubotan, and training on physical training adapted to martial arts and contact sports in the following years he continued to teach classes taking seminars, and courses on management of tonfa, Kubotan, and training on physical training adapted to martial arts and contact sports. In 1994 and up to the present, he was part of the Instructors Corps of the Hombu Dojo of the Argentine Association of Oriental Fights Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu.
Already completing his secondary studies obtaining the title of commercial expert, he began to instruct me in the civil face to give admission to the current I.E.R.I.C (Institute of Statistics and registration of the Argentine Construction Industry and related). Of which he became a recognized member from 1997 to the present. Since 1995 he has ventured into countless national, South American and international championships from which he has obtained considerable achievements in the disciplines of karate in the kata and kumite modality and traditional Ju Jitsu.
In the following years, he continued to teach classes, taking seminars and training on everything related to martial arts in general, obtaining several distinctions that work in the file of the Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu School.
In 1999 he joined the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires obtaining the 1st general average and distinctions and merits in the training of: "Agents of the Group Command" entity of which he was part for more than 20 years, of the which he obtained numerous distinctions as well as the outstanding diploma of honor granted by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires and the medal: outstanding in Act of Service. In said institution, he dictated and advised in the area of police personal defense for which he obtained recognition from the Active Council of General Commissioners (R) and the silver plaque from said institution for having obtained high qualifications.
Competition History:
- South American Martial Arts Tournament 1984 (Asam) 1st place Kumite Kyu category - 10 years
- 1986 Pan American Budo Union Championship
- Provincial Championship editions 1986-1987-1988-1989 (titles obtained Champion and Sub Champion)
- 1991 Open National Championship Inter 8 Styles 1st place Free Kumite and Great Champion Danish youth category
- 1992: 5th Ju Jitsu World Championships W.C.J.J.O Mar del Plata Argentina youth category
- 1993/94/95 Consecutive champion of the national Jujitsu championship editions Ne waza specialty
- 1996 1st National open tournament for martial arts teachers 1st place in the Danes medium category 1st place for teams 1st place Kumite free weight (Open)
- Eight-time consecutive guest champion at the World Tang Soo Do Association Korean Karate Championships
- 1997 2nd edition Champion of Champions Tournament Argentine Republic 1st place in the Senior Danes category (Open) free weight
- 1997 South American Champion TOURNAMENT (South American Martial Arts Union of America – U.I.A.M.A).
- 1998 7th Ju jitsu World Championships October 17 & 18 1998 Reno Nevada bronze medal for teams and individual category medium heavy.
- South American Champion Closing Tournament (South American Union of Martial Arts of America - U.I.A.M.A).
- 1999 Beginning in participation in the Master category 4th Dan onwards Champion and Runner-up Tournament Pre-selective U.I.A.M.A.
- 1st place Shobu Ippon full Contact category + 85 kilos.
- 2000/2001 Participation in 30 Karate and Ju jitsu tournaments supervised: F.A.D.E.L.T.
- 2002 Champion of L.N.A.M (National League of Martial Arts) 1st and 2nd and 3rd place in Traditional Ju Jitsu Sport Ju Jitsu modalities and Ne Waza open championship supervised by the Atlantic Regional Judo Association.
- 2003/04/05/06/07/08/09 Participation in 80 Karate and Ju Jitsu championships, obtaining a large medal table in the aforementioned modalities (I will attach a photographic file of said medal table).
- 2010 Technical trainer and physical trainer of the Ju Jitsu National Team that participated in the 2010 world championship in Las Vegas Nevada (W.C.J.J.O).
- 2012 Ju Jitsu International Champion in the Grappling and Sport Ju Jitsu Full Contact categories organized by Morganti Ju Jitsu Brazil in the heavyweight category.
- 2014 Champion 2nd edition of Ju Jitsu Provincial Inter School Tournament in the Masters full weight category in the Sport Ju Jitsu full contact modality.
- 2016 Champion 1st Bicentennial Cup Argentine Republic in free weight full contact karate
- 2017/2018/2019 Champion and current holder of the international karate open title (International Tournament edition called Copa República Argentina
- 2021 Post Pandemic Champion Opening Tournament Sport Ju Jitsu and karate open Master category
- 2022: 3 times national champion traditional Ju Jitsu / karate (Kumite and Kata) City of Mar del Plata.
- International Martial Arts Referee.
- International Ju Jitsu Referee (W.C.J.J.O).
- Trainer and physical trainer.
- Circle Instructor of Police Officers of the Province of Buenos Aires.
- Lecturer at the 1st open seminar for all police forces in the country, held at the Headquarters of the Circle of Police Officers of the Province of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata Headquarters.
- Airport Security Police personal defense instructor.
- Technical Director of Ju Jitsu of (W.C.J.J.O) speaker of seminars of said institution in the last fifteen years.
- Lecturer in training courses for personal defense instructors for the University of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina for three consecutive years for the Quality I.S.A.D Institute, certifying the participating members in techniques of falls, flips, fighting on the floor, free defenses against various grips and free combat.
- Head of the Argentine Branch of W.I.K.O (World Independent Kyokushin Organization).
- Recognized and graduated from both institutions with the hierarchy of 6th Dan Black Belt (Shihan)
International Titles:
- Member of the World Karate Master Association recognized by the International Olympic Committee as representative for Argentina in the KYOKUSHINKAI KAN system
- International Positions: Professional Kumite Commission Member (World Karate Master Association)
- Delegate for Argentina of the World Council of Ju Jitsu Organizations
- Nominations: WORLD MARTIAL ART BOARD: Has Been Assigned as: MEMBER AMB & (WMB)
- Branch Chief as official Representative of IBU Organization
- International BudoKai Union Ju Jitsu Kyodo Group
- Outstanding mentions in other Martial Arts: in 2012 he participated in the Combat Techniques Seminar given by: Master Chang Seong Dong Director Sang Rok World Taekwondo Academy Recognized by WTF (Kukkiiwon). Obtaining the diploma of honor.
- Twice invited to the world class of Judo, by Sensei Antonio Gallina, the President of the Argentine Judo Confederation.
Sensei Lanza maintains a close institutional relationship due to the joint work of the roots of Judo.
Currently, Sensei Lanza continues to teach classes at the Hombú dojo as General Director and Technical Director for the Decentralized headquarters scattered in different parts of the Argentine Republic.
Current Rankings:
- 6th Dan Black Belt in Kyokushinkai Kan Karate with the rank of Shihan.
- 8th Dan Red & White Belt in Traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu from the Cesar Negri Style Argentina Ju Jitsu School with the Kyoshi rank.
- Trained in Ethical and Metaphysical Oriental Philosophy, by Dr. in Philosophy Cesar María Negri 10 Dan (R.I.P)
Shihan Samuel A. Lanza’s Contact Info -
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Pages:
Phone: +5492236005202